Credit cards are pretty sophisticated financial instruments. What this means is that one must be responsible if they wish to carry a credit card in their wallet. The seemingly innocuous pieces of plastic can get you into trouble if you aren’t careful, and the last thing you want is a missed credit card payment. Aside… Continue reading Statement Balance vs. Account Balance
How Are Credit Card Payments Applied to Balances?
Credit card Q&A: “How are credit card payments applied to balances?” Back in the good old days (as far as credit card issuers were concerned), credit card payments applied to balances with the lowest APR first, followed by higher APR balances. This practice was known as negative payment hierarchy, and essentially allowed credit card issuers… Continue reading How Are Credit Card Payments Applied to Balances?
What Do the Numbers on Your Credit Card Mean?
Have you ever stopped to take a hard look at your credit card? Aside from the cool design, shape, and colors, there are lots of numbers emblazoned on the front (unless it’s the Chase Sapphire Preferred). And those numbers are pretty darn important, as they are necessary to process your transactions to ensure everyone gets… Continue reading What Do the Numbers on Your Credit Card Mean?
The Average Age of Open Credit Lines Is Extremely Important!
It seems everyone is always looking for results overnight, whether it be a new diet or a get-rich quick scheme. Unfortunately, meaningful results take time (and work), and the same is true for your increasingly important credit score. While making on-time payments is the most important factor behind all credit scores, including both FICO and… Continue reading The Average Age of Open Credit Lines Is Extremely Important!
What Credit Cards Do the Big Box Stores Accept?
While many businesses are beginning to ONLY accept plastic as a means of payment, there are still some companies that do not accept all types of credit cards for one reason or another. For example, most airlines only accept credit cards for in-flight purchases nowadays, but some big-box stores don’t even accept major forms of… Continue reading What Credit Cards Do the Big Box Stores Accept?
When Are Credit Reports and Credit Scores Updated?
A reader recently asked, “When does my credit report/credit score get updated?” This is a great question, and one that causes plenty of confusion and debate. The best way to tackle this question is to first differentiate credit reports and credit scores. I’ve already written an entire post comparing and contrasting the two, but I’ll… Continue reading When Are Credit Reports and Credit Scores Updated?
For Most Consumers a Credit Card Is Their First Line of Credit
You can shun credit cards all you want, but understand that more than half of consumers get things started with a credit card. That’s right; a new study from FICO, the brains behind the ubiquitous FICO score, revealed that 50.1% of the population (in the study) opened a bankcard before any other type of account.… Continue reading For Most Consumers a Credit Card Is Their First Line of Credit
Amex Premier Rewards Gold Card Review
Only a few short hours ago, I presented the difference between the Amex Green Card and Gold Card. It turned out the two cards were pretty darn similar. Sadly, my analysis doesn’t stop there. I say sadly because I’m tired of typing, but I digress. American Express also offers the so-called “Premier Rewards Gold Card,”… Continue reading Amex Premier Rewards Gold Card Review
American Express Green Card vs. Gold Card
These days, American Express seems to have a credit card for every color of the rainbow. They’ve got their notorious Black Amex, the Platinum Card, they had a Clear Card, the Plum Card (it’s a color too), and of course, the classic Green and Gold cards. Oh, and let’s not forget the credit card issuer’s… Continue reading American Express Green Card vs. Gold Card
Changing Your Credit Card Due Date
These days, credit card issuers allow their cardmembers to do all sorts of neat stuff, though much of it isn’t advertised or widely known to the public. One such feature many issuers offer is the ability to choose your own credit card due date, or change your existing credit card due date. Why Change Your… Continue reading Changing Your Credit Card Due Date