It’s no secret that some of the best credit card sign-up bonuses happen to be the very same credit cards that come with hefty annual fees. Hello Citi Premier and Prestige. While this can certainly be worth the cost, there are times when it simply doesn’t make any sense to keep paying the annual fee,… Continue reading Downgrade Your Credit Card to Avoid the Annual Fee
Category: Credit Help and Tips
Master your credit card and credit score, all in one convenient place.
Should You Opt Back In to Receive Targeted Credit Card Offers?
In an earlier post, I spoke about a targeted offer for 70,000 United miles via the MileagePlus Explorer Business card. Normally that offer is only 50,000 miles, but the individual who received it was targeted and sent a mailer because they’re opted in to offers via postal mail from Chase. Or perhaps they didn’t opt… Continue reading Should You Opt Back In to Receive Targeted Credit Card Offers?
Keep Your Credit When You Close a Card
You’ve probably heard that closing a credit card is the worst offense you can commit. While that’s certainly not true, despite the powers that be instilling fear into our lives on a daily basis, your credit score can be impacted by the closure of a credit account. If you wondering why it can hurt your… Continue reading Keep Your Credit When You Close a Card
Why You Won’t Be Able to Use American Express at Costco Anymore
A month ago, I wrote about how Citi and Visa partnered with Costco, thereby kicking American Express out in the process. That new arrangement will begin on April 1st, 2016, at which point Amex credit cards won’t be accepted by the super warehouse store. And the Costco Amex credit card will cease to exist. But… Continue reading Why You Won’t Be Able to Use American Express at Costco Anymore
Use Your Wedding to Pay for Your Honeymoon
One of the great things about throwing a wedding is that when it’s finally over you get to go on vacation. Unfortunately, honeymoons are often very expensive getaways because the bride and groom expect the best of the best, not just a run-of-the-mill retreat. After all, you just got married, so staying at a Holiday… Continue reading Use Your Wedding to Pay for Your Honeymoon
Watch Out for Fake Credit Card Miles
Lately, I’ve seen a growing trend in what I refer to as “fake credit card miles.” I call them fake because the use of the word “miles” is a bit of a misnomer. You see, many of these so-called miles aren’t actually miles at all, they’re just standard credit card points that tend to be… Continue reading Watch Out for Fake Credit Card Miles
Credit Cards That Allow You to Transfer Points to Airlines
In the credit card reward game, there are generally two camps. There are those who chase after cash back rewards, and there are those who are most interested in points and miles. The reason so many people tend to like points/miles over cash is the fact that they can often be transferred to leading frequent… Continue reading Credit Cards That Allow You to Transfer Points to Airlines
If You Want to Travel the World for Free, Buy Printer Ink and Roses
The title of this post might sound a little silly, but it’s completely literal. You can honestly travel the world for free simply by purchasing printer ink and roses. How? Well, simply by making those purchases via online shopping portals. The two examples in the title aren’t just hypothetical; I actually took advantage of both… Continue reading If You Want to Travel the World for Free, Buy Printer Ink and Roses
Your Wedding Could Be a Credit Card Point Earning Bonanza!
Still dragging your feet? Afraid to take the plunge? I get it; it’s a big commitment, and super expensive. But just think of all the credit card points and miles you can earn! Seriously. Once your wedding plans get set in motion, you’ll likely be handing over your credit card to vendor after vendor. Instead… Continue reading Your Wedding Could Be a Credit Card Point Earning Bonanza!
Credit Cards That Waive the Annual Fee the First Year
Often times, it is credit cards with annual fees that offer the best sign-up bonuses and cash back. After all, they’re offering you something other issuers won’t, so they need to recoup some of the associated loss. Unfortunately, this causes a bit of a catch-22, seeing that the cardholder will want the credit card but… Continue reading Credit Cards That Waive the Annual Fee the First Year